Success Stories

The Telkom Foundation is the living embodiment of Telkom’s continued quest to connect the people of South Africa to a better life. In the spirit of Ubuntu, the Foundation embraces the values of compassion, consideration, caring and dignity while empowering communities and nurturing young lives. Many holistic and next-generation programmes offer not only education but also the life skills needed for young people to become self-reliant and self-sustaining in a technologically driven age.

Discover the Impact of the Telkom Foundation

What motivates and inspires people to pursue a career? What is it that drives them to reach for the next rung on the ladder of success? What is it that keeps them wanting to learn more - and do more? At Telkom, our many, advanced on-the-job training programmes, courses and subject-specific bursaries are designed to motivate and enthuse our employees. Here are but a few stories of people whose lives have been deeply impacted by the opportunities Telkom Foundation offers.